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John Fowler's photos

John writes: "Here are several from the 60's and early 70's."

"The first is the photo that was posted outside the Bodegón whenever I played there."

John Fowler

"The second is the publicity photo of Jorge Strunz and me for the concert we gave at the State Department auditorium with Manolo Leiva, Azucena Vega, and Edo Sie."

Jorge Strunz and John Fowler

"The third is me with Julia Lopez, a wonderful dancer with whom I worked for a couple of years just before leaving for L.A. in 1973, and who worked later with Manolo, according to rumors that I heard."

John Fowler and Julia Lopez

"The last is from the early 60's before I began playing for Amor Sirvent's dance school; this is the lower-floor dining room of El Bodegón; the woman in the green blouse is Phyllis Huckabay (now Norton), one of the best dancers in Amor's school and a very dear friend to this day with whom I visit almost every Christmas; next to her in blue is her mother, and next to her mother is Amor Sirvent herself, the only photo I have of her. Behind Phyllis's mother is Bob Callahan; he and his wife Adelina owned El Bodegón, and Bob went from table to table dispensing wine from a porrón directly into customers' mouths from one to three feet away, frequently demonstrating the technique on himself, as he is doing in the background of this photo."

Phyllis Huckabay, her mother and friends

The links to other websites were added by yours truly. Thanks to John Fowler for giving us a sense of the history of the flamenco scene here in DC. I hope to present more features like this in the near future.