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Photos from the Pre-Feria Party at Bambulé

May 20, 2000

Pictured here is Conja accompanied by guitarist Roberto Castellón Jr. In the back are Karina Araujo, Bruno, and Robert Terri and Sonia (behind Roberto). Photo by Miguelito.

What started out as a table for six friends, turned into twenty and eventually we flamencos "took over" the entire outdoor patio of the Bambulé restaurant!

Attending the party were members of Natalia Monteleón's Arte Flamenco company and the Spanish Dance Society as well as a few friends and aficionados from out of town including Damaris Castellar from New York, and Paul Fradin from Chicago.

Paul is pictured here surrounded by such beautiful dancers as (from left) Sonia Teresa, Sara Jerez, Micaela Moreno and Karina Arajuo. Photo by Miguelito.
